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Время чтения ≈ 7ч
2024 год
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"The first two ages have vanished into oblivion. The third is already moving towards its peak. Ancient legends and myths rise from their graves. Lords, mired in intrigue, are ready to play their game. A dreadful infection spreads across the lands of the living. And you are just a splinter. A cog in the wheel that still rolls forward out of inertia...
— Oh? So you’re the one who’ll be the killer of the frostbitten? Yesterday, werewolfes stole my goat; maybe you could get it back? — Naively, the old man leaned forward and scratched his balding head.
I looked skeptically into his eyes: 'Are you serious?'
Estimated age rating: ~16+ Dark Fantasy.
P.S.The work of final editing and proofreading is complete. The text has been updated."
Книга написана на современном американском английском (США) Саванна. Книга переоформлена (Прямая речь и прочее, согласно тому как принято в западном обществе сейчас оформлять текст.)
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